3 Tips for Finding the Best Shaker Bottles for Protein Shakes

3 Tips for Finding the Best Shaker Bottles for Protein Shakes

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has protein guidance for weightlifters and athletes. They say that an athlete needs an average of 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

If you're training to become an athlete, hitting your daily protein goals can be challenging. On top of your day-to-day schedule, you have to make sure you're going to the gym and fueling your body.

Having a leak-proof, high quality protein shaker bottles can help. They make delicious protein shakes fast, saving you the time and effort you'd rather be putting into training.

If you've been on the lookout for a way to mix your protein fast using a sports bottle shaker from Jeela Sports, we've got you covered.

Keep reading for three tips on how to find the best shaker bottles.

1. Mixing Capabilities

The best protein shaker bottles use a metal ball that helps thick protein powders blend into a shake. These balls are easy to clean and small, so make sure to not place them in the dishwasher as they could get lost.

The bottle should be big enough to hold all your ingredients with enough room inside for mixing. But it should also be small enough so you can shake the bottle by hand without much effort.

You also want a bottle that has measurement markings on the side. This helps when you are trying to follow the suggested measurements from any protein shake recipe you found online. 

2. Cleaning and Materials

Protein shake bottles that are dishwasher safe are easier to clean than by hand. If you have more than one bottle, you can keep dirty ones cycling through and use clean ones whenever you like. 

Sometimes no matter how well you clean a bottle, it will still have a lingering smell from the shake. The best shakers have non-porous plastic that won't absorb liquid.

Any plastic container that stores food or drink should not have bisphenol A (BPA). This polycarbonate plastic can permeate into food and cause harmful health effects.

3. Customizable Design

Your shaker bottle doesn't have to be a simple piece of clear plastic. You can have it customized to have quotes or motivational phrases to show the world your personality. A fun logo or design can be a conversation starter and help you connect with your fellow athletes.

Shaker bottles can even have positive affirmations printed on them. There's evidence that suggests positive affirmations contribute to a greater sense of well-being. It's also nice to carry a motivational shaker bottle so you feel inspired to go through your fitness and daily routine.

Finally, you might need a larger or smaller bottle depending on your needs. You could have a busy day planned and might need a more significant meal replacement shake, so you would want a bigger bottle. Or you might need a quick shake at home instead, so you can use a smaller size.

Ready to Train With Your New Shaker Bottles?

It's important to have shaker bottles that are easy to clean and mix your shake to an even consistency. A fun and inspirational design doesn't hurt, either.

If you're looking for a new way to mix your shakes, we've got your back. Check out our fun and inspirational designs and order your next set of sports shakers today!

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