
Jeela Sports Shaker Bottles FAQ

Common questions about our Protein Shaker Bottles

What are the dimensions of Jeela Sports Shaker Bottles products?

Dimensions vary by product but Most of ourShaker Bottles are either 20 Oz or 24 Oz. Actual sizes of shaker bottles are displayed in the “Product Details” section at the bottom of each product page.

How do the measurement markings work?

The total cup volume is measured from the base to the brim of each cup (without top on). Use the ounce and milliliter markings on the side to measure liquid amounts from protein shaker recipies.

What can I do if my Protein Shaker Bottle has a smell after use?

Some protein and nutrition shakes can leave an undesirable smell in a shaker bottle (especially if not cleaned out immeditately at work or gym) . If your bottle has some residual odor after cleaning, try one of the following natural methods: 1. Roll up a piece of charcoal in newspaper, place it in shaker cup, and screw on the lid. After a few days, remove the briquette and the newspaper and wash your shaker cup with soap and water. 2. Add some white vinegar and baking soda to the bottle and scrub. Do not close the cap so the airflow can get inside. BPA-free plastic tends to absorb smells over time. To prevent your shaker bottle from smelling, avoid storing liquids for too long and rinse or wash your bottle between uses.

Are Jeela Sports Protein Shaker Bottles dishwasher safe?

Yes. All pieces (including the shaker ball) are dishwasher safe. We recommend removing the lid and ball and placing the ball in the silverware bin.

Can I mix hot liquids in my Jeela Shaker Bottle?

No. Hot or warm liquids may build up pressure inside the bottle and cause the flip cap to open unexpectedly and spray contents which could cause harm.

How do I clean a Jeela Sports Shaker Bottle?

All components of our protein shaker cups are dishwasher safe. (ideally in the top rack) The protein shaker grid should be placed in the cutlery bin. However, if you have a custom-printed bottle it will need to be washed by hand to ensure the design lasts. Bottles may be washed by hand in warm soapy water. (Please note - do not shake bottle with hot liquids inside as it could build up pressure inside the bottle and cause the flip cap to open unexpectedly and spray contents which could cause harm)

Are Jeela Sports Shaker Bottles BPA free?

Yes. All Jeela Sportts Shaker bottles are BPA free.

Can I order replacement parts for my Shaker Bottles?

Yes. We offer replacement parts for most products.